Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Changes to September

I realized as I was explaining this month's bead journal page to my daughter that the circle in the upper left hand corner was too out of place and glaring for the piece.  So, tonight I removed those light beads and replaced them with darker beads... some fabulous Charlottes that I have used in other areas of the piece.   I think I may be finished with it now!  I like the visual weight of the "grass" at the bottom to hold it down.  I think that this represents my only child.... a single large flower?  Her birthday is in September and her favorite colors are purple and green.  Oh yeh.... and did I mention that she is going to make me a grandmother in January?????


a2susan said...

Hi, Krispi. Really different than last year - I like the looseness and freedom this piece has. And yeh, I think
you've mentioned the grandmother part before, but you can mention it as much as your happy heart wants!

Marty S said...

Looks great! I like the change you made. The beads really flow around the piece.
Marty S
Crackpot Beader

KV said...

Love this piece, Krispi!

Kathy V in NM

Robin said...

Ditto to what Susan wrote,LOL... and yes, the darker circle is a nice improvement in your beautiful flower!!! Hugs, Robin

Pursuing Art... said...

Hi Krispi...I am just catching up with other BJP members today!

Your September piece is just lovely! What a wonderful tribute to your daughter. I, too, like the change you made...and I think the simplicity is wonderful! Congratulations on becoming a exciting!

I am looking forward to seeing your other monthly pages! I remember your flower pages from last year, they were beautiful! And, I like your puzzle pieces too!

~Lisa ;-)

Timaree said...

This is just great. A flower for your daughter that looks like it's sending out little buds. It's neat how you got a lot of meaning in this page.