Friday, February 8, 2008

January Finished!

Here is the flower photo I used as the base for my January page.

Here it is! I finished my January page just last night. I am a little surprised at the look! It's very coarse and impressionistic for my normal style. I am really pretty happy with it over all. The disks along the edges of each petal are coconut shell with beds on top. The mask is a miniature of the masks they carve in Boruca, Costa Rica.

We spent seven days in this indigenous village over the new year's holiday. They have a five day festival to celebrate the fact that their tribe was never conquered by the Spanish. The men dress up in coffee sacks and wear masks and walk all over town fighting the bull which represents Spain. It's an amazing festival and we enjoyed staying with a family and being able to see the goings-on over many days. You can see some photos of the festival at


a2susan said...

What a great flower! And it seems to be extra special because of the association it has for you.

abeadlady said...

What a great memory this is for you. As I am discovering myself, there is no law that says you have to do the same thing everytime. I love it. The bright fabric and coconut discs bring a delightful casualness to this page.


beadbabe49 said...

Lovely piece and wonderful improvisation!

KV said...

I love this imaginative interpretation of your flower photo!

Kathy V in NM

Robin said...

Wow, Krispi!!! This will be a lasting memory for you. And such a change it it. Way to let go and move on!!!! I'm sooooooo impressed! Bravo!

pam T said...

This is very, very cool! I have loved and admired (and drooled over) ALL of your pieces, and this one adds a huge touch of whimsy to the collection...

ACey said...

This is completely awesome. Must have felt great following the flow of putting it together.

Quilter Kathy said...

Really cool! I can see how it is connected to your other beautiful pieces and yet how it is a new direction!

artandtea said...

Wow, what wonderful texture. You did such an awesome job interpreting your beautiful flower!

Judi D said...

Awesome flower!

Timaree said...

It's great how you mixed your flower with things from your vacation. One look at the picture and you'll recall much more than a flower.