Well, given a few days off from school for winter break, and now that I'm over the flu, I have had some time to bead! I managed to finish my October page and am very pleased with it although it's changed since I first conceived of it! The bee became a mere shadow of itself.... see the bee wings in pale pink beads and the silver bee charm where the bee's body should be. I loved doing all the ruffles, and filling in with texture.
I also finished my December page and it seems to be the most "journally" of my pages. It really represents my journey in December. It starts in the lower left with the darkness of the Pacific Northwest in December with vines and trees here. We then flew south to Costa Rica and into the light and warmth. We were there for Christmas , hence the Christmas tree in the center. There were fireworks nearly every night in a nearby community and were able to appreciate and enjoy

I just love your style, Krispi! These pages are a joy to behold.
Kathy V in NM
I like it, I like it. Love the continuing theme. Great work.
I love the ruffles too!
It gives it so much texture.
Great job!
I love your Christmas tree. I was trying to think how to do one and couldn't so I beaded a Christmas tree cookie jar. Your use of the leaves for the branches is very clever and it worked really well. Your whole page turned out nice.
Your other page with the ruffles and bee is quite nice too. Both of these are a little different than what you were doing which is just where you wanted to go.
I love your style too... you will have an incredible garden when all done!
pam T (wisconsin)
Oooooooh, Krispi! I can't wait to see this in person... Now you are really journaling!!!!! I hope you are enjoying it as much as I enjoy seeing this development in you. Congratulations and bravo and blessings, dear friend! Hugs, Robin A.
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