Here it is almost September, and it's not only nearly time to start school again, but to begin our new Bead Journal Project for 2008/2009. I have been toying with several ideas but haven't decided on one. Last year's theme for me was flowers that were my own photos. This year I'd like to do something that is more extemporaneous and less planned. I think I will try to work a little smaller so I can be sure to finish within a month, so I will not be in a panic all year worrying that I won't finish in time. I did finish in time last year, but much of the year, I was behind and it gnawed on my conscience. I hate that panic feeling of being behind.
Since I last wrote, we've found out that we're going to be first-time grandparents in January 2009. Since our daughter, Sarahjoy, lives in Costa Rica, it will involve a trip to the tropics in the middle of the winter.... pretty hard to take! LOL! Unfortunately, their house is small, their business is growing ( and they have a baby coming, which means they no longer have a guest room for us to use. So, we are busy looking for something nearby that is more of an apartment than a hotel. I have been looking on line for some places, and found a few... need to get our daughter's input.
I have spent most of the last month working toward our county fair.

Here is a photo of the whole barn from the end, so you can get the "flavor" of our little fair. We are truly a small town fair! 

Every year I look forward to the fair, and spend a lot of time there in that building. Actually, except for bathroom and lunch & dinner breaks, I spend most of five days sitting among the most beautiful creations made by our local artists. This year, I also demonstrated hand quilting on a beautiful antique Dresden Plate quilt top. You can see the quilt frame there set up on the left.

Of course, just before the fair, I realized that the baby quilt that I was working on for our new grandchild would not see the fair if I didn't finish and enter it in this year's fair. So, I pulled a couple of late night sewing and quilting sessions and finished it in time to enter it! I named it "Star Baby". It was all paper foundation pieced to get those peaky points. Sarahjoy chose the fabrics and the block patterns, but she had no idea how I would place the fabrics. I am pleased with the way it looks! We will deliver it to her in January when we go down to Costa Rica to wait for/greet the baby.

1 comment:
You so amaze me with all you get done!!! It's no wonder you are recognized for your hard work!!!!!
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