I am co-superintendent with my friend, Christy, of the Textile Department. This department includes all quilts and anything sewn or made that STARTS with fabric. I have been a superintendent for over 25 years, and it's almost second nature now. I am blessed to have a great group of friends and fellow-quilters who help with the logisitics of the department. We are so thankful to have them! The weather was cool, but only rained one evening during the fair. We had a wonderful five days!

So, since then I have outlined each petal, and filled in part of them with a variety of fan-like beading images. These were tricky to do since the petals are a variety of widths, and the square beads I was using for the "center" of the fan are a variety of sizes and shapes. So I decided to have the fans stack in a random kind of way. I also realized that I might not have enough of the SAME beads to use in all of the petals, so decided to do 9 of the petals intensely and figure out what to do in the alternate petals later. Maybe something a little different.... maybe nothing at all. I will be glad to take suggestions! ;-)

So that's where it stands as of this moment, until I get to a big bead supply. I live out in the boondocks..... literally at least 2 hours from anything! We do have a bead store in town, but it's limited, and when you know what's out 'there", it makes it hard to settle for something just because it's here. I did find some little metallic stars to use around the edge of the center of the sunflower. I am playing with how to mount them..... the hole goes in one side of the star between points and OUT the other side on the point, so it's hard to get them to sit any particular way. I may have to touch them with a dot of nail polish to get them to stay!
Both pages are beautiful; and lots of work! Since sunflowers are my fave flower, I like it best.
You do these flowers so amazingly well!
Kathy V in NM
The iris is beautiful. I really like the texture and colors. The center of the yellow flower is great! I love the texture. I also like what you are doing with the petals.
Stunningly beautiful Krispi
Oooooooooooh, Krispi!!!!!! I am so proud of you! Progress with a capital P... not just progress on your pages, but also progress in your design and technique. Congratulations, big time! The fans, the little stars, the stacks... everything about your sunflower is fabulous. Best of show! Very beautiful photo of the iris too. And, thanks for putting your first pages on Flickr. You rock, woman! Hugs, Robin
PS... I need to ask you something... but I don't have your phone number or email with me... could you email me, so I can reply? Thanks. Robin
I like the way your iris floats on it's background. It looks really nice. Your sunflower is shaping up beautifully also. I like your take on the petals. Your iris is so realistic and this one will be just a bit stylized. Keeps it all so interesting.
At least you have a bead store in town. I have Walmart. That's it! I use catalogs a lot but it's hard to tell if your colors will be what you want so I visit a bead store when I visit my daughter in Calif. which is where I am right now and yes, I have spent way too much at that bead store!!
wonderful to see your work on flickr! also, you could go "low" on the alternate petals and do them in sequins?
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