The February page is a composite of three different photos of Asian Dogwood flowers. I used Photoshop and moved them around, cloned the ferns for background and went for it. The Dogwood tree is a memorial tree for my father in law. While growing up we had daily china with dogwood flowers on it. And in our yard there was a lovely pink flowering dogwood tree that was a special favorite of mine. The meandering green is the tangle of life.... and I ended up including my initials (ks) in the vine. The little

hearts are for Valentine's day, and the dragonflies are to encourage me that it soon will be spring!
My March page grew out of my birthday month concept. The little purple daisies were just what I needed to give me a lift! Since it's my birthday month, I included my big year number in beads! And I enjoyed using lots of different kinds of purples for the petals. The addition of the goddess figure was an afterthought, but I like what it represents in my natal month!